Friday 19 October 2012

The Reason for Tear while Cutting Onions

The Reason for Tear while Cutting Onions 

Onions contain a sulphur-based oil. When cut, the cells that contain the sulphur compounds are broken and the compounds are converted into sulfenic acid, which in turn produces a highly volatile chemical called synpropanethial-S-oxide, which then rises into the air.
When the synpropanethial-S-oxide from onions comes into contact with our eyes, it reacts with the moisture in our eyelids and results in the production of sulphuric acid, which irritates the eyes and stimulates the lachrymal glands. When stimulated, these glands release tears to flush out the acid and protect the eye.

New Theory on TIME TRAVEL by Sir Stephan Hawking...!!

New Theory on TIME TRAVEL by Sir Stephan Hawking...!!

Hawking suspects radiation feedback would collapse any wormholes scientists managed to expand to useable sizes, rendering them useless for actual travel. But there's another way -- navigating the variable rivers of time.

"Time flows like a river and it seems as if each of us is carried relentlessly along by time's current. But time is like a river in another way. It flows at different speeds in different places and that is the key to traveling into the future," Hawking writes.

Albert Einstein first proposed this idea 100 years ago that there should be places where time slows down, and others where time speeds up, notes Hawking. "He was absolutely right."

The proof, says Hawking, lies in the Global Positioning System satellite network, which in addition to helping us navigate on Earth, reveals that time runs faster in space.

"Inside each spacecraft is a very precise clock. But despite being so accurate, they all gain around a third of a billionth of a second every day. The system has to correct for the drift, otherwise that tiny difference would upset the whole system, causing every GPS device on Earth to go out by about six miles a day," Hawking writes.

The clocks aren't faulty -- it's the pull of Earth that's to blame.

"Einstein realized that matter drags on time and slows it down like the slow part of a river. The heavier the object, the more it drags on time," Hawking writes. "And this startling reality is what opens the door to the possibility of timetravel to the future."


What would happen to our weather without the Moon?

It’s difficult to know exactly what would happen to our weather if the Moon were destroyed, but it wouldn’t be good. The Moon powers Earth’s tides, which in turn influence our weather systems. In addition, the loss of the Moon would affect the Earth’srotation – how it spins on its axis. The presenceof the Moon creates a sort of drag, so its loss would probably speed up the rotation, changing the length of day and night. In addition it would alter the tilt of the Earth too, which causes the changes in our seasons. Some places would be much colder while others would become much hotter. Let’s not neglect the impact of the actual destruction, either; that much debriswould block out the Sunand rain down on Earth,causing massive loss of life. Huge chunks that hit the ocean could cause great tidal waves,for instance

Earth-the planet which we live

These are some facts about Earth, the planet which we live on

* Earth was formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago.

* Earth is composed mostly of Iron. 32% of entire earth is Iron!

* Animals use earth’s magnetic field to navigation and other purposes!

* Cows usually rest in north-south position in normal cases but not when they are under a high voltage power line.

* According to Norse mythology Earth is personified as Jord a.k.a. Jorth a.k.a. Jörð who is the mother of THOR.

* Earth has to travel around 150 million kilometres every year through its orbit around sun.

* Earth travels through the orbit with a speed of 107,000 km/h.

* The distance between Earth and the centre of our Galaxy(Milky Way) is around 28,000 light years.

* Earth’s average temperature is 15 Degree C. Without green house effect it will go to around -18 Degree C.

* The lowest temperature ever recorded on earth is at Russia’s Vostok Station. Temperature was -89.2 Degree C!!

time machine

Finally, a machine that will propel on dark energy, faster than light i.e in FUTURE.

The discovery in 1998 that the Universe is actually speeding up its expansion was a total shock to astronomers. It just seems so counter-intuitive, so against common sense. But the evidence has become convincing.The evidence came from studying distant Type Ia supernovae. This type of supernova results from having a white dwarf star in a binary system. Matter transfers from the normal star to the white dwarf until the white dwarf attains a critical mass (the Chandrasekhar limit) and undergoes a thermonuclear explosion. Because all white dwarfs achieve the same mass before exploding, they all achieve the same luminosity and can be used by astronomers as "standard candles." Thus by observing their apparent brightness, astronomers can determine their distance using the 1/r2 law.Astronomers know dark matter is there by its gravitational effect on the matter that we see, and there are ideas about the kinds of particles it must be made of. By contrast, dark energy remains a complete mystery. The name "dark energy" refers to the fact that some kind of "stuff" must fill the vast reaches of mostly empty space in the Universe in order to be able to make space accelerate in its expansion. In this sense, it is a "field" just like an electric field or a magnetic field, both of which are produced by electromagnetic energy. But this analogy can only be taken so far, because we can readily observe electromagnetic energy via the particle that carries it, the photon.

Some astronomers identify dark energy with Einstein's Cosmological Constant. Einstein introduced this constant into his general relativity when he saw that his theory was predicting an expanding universe, which was contrary to the evidence for a static universe that he and other physicists had in the early 20th century. This constant balanced the expansion and made the Universe static. With Edwin Hubble's discovery of the expansion of the Universe, Einstein dismissed his constant. It later became identified with what quantum theory calls the energy of the vacuum.

A futuristic engine that uses dark energy to propel a spaceship faster than light is theoretically possible, and could revolutionise space travel, U.S. scientists say.The idea, backed up by calculations made by physicist Gerald Cleaver and graduate student Richard Orbousy, both of Baylor University in Waco, Texas, was published online on the physics website.

Not as unlikely as it seems, Like something from the world of Star Trek, their theory says that a spacecraft couldtravel at 'warp speed' in a bubble of space-time by manipulating dark energy, the mysterious invisible force accelerating the expansion of the universe (see, More evidence for dark energy's repulsive power, Cosmos Online).The spacecraft would essentially remain in the same place, they said, while space-time ahead of the spaceship shrank, and expanded again behind it.The warp engine is based on the 'Alcubierre warp drive', a mathematical model of a method of stretching space in a wave that was first proposed by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre in 1994.

"Think of it like a surfer riding a wave," said Cleaver. "The ship would be pushed by the spatial bubble and the bubble would be travelling faster than the speed of light."The concept is based on new predictions emerging from string theory (a branch of theoretical physics which states that reality is based on one-dimensional objects called strings). String theorists believe space has not three or four but 10 dimensions: height, width, length, time and others that are unknown (see, A way to 'see' extra dimensions, Cosmos Online).


M-theory, which is as yet untested, unifies the various string theories by adding a further, 11th, dimension. Manipulating this 11th dimension exploits a loophole in Einstein's theory of relativity that says that travelling at faster-than-light speeds would take an infinite amount of energy."String theory suggests that dimensions are globally held compact by strings wrapping around them," the researchers write in their paper. "If this is the case, it may be possible to locally increase or decrease the string tension," they theorise, changing the size of the extra dimensions.Theoretical astrophysicists think that at the beginning of time, dark energy may have driven the universe to grow at faster than light speed for a short time.

And. as you all know, faster than light straight into the future.

Top 5 mysteries of Outer Space..!!

Top 5 mysteries of Outer Space..!!

Since the beginning of life, man has looked to the stars with a sense of wonder. Between then and now, many advances have been made in the fields of astronomy, mathematics, and physics in an attempt to explain the things we see above, yet the more we believe we understand, the less we really seem to know. In something as big as the universe, there are bound to be unexplainable phenomena, and things we truly can’t grasp. The universe shows us how small we really are, and in a place so big, is it really plausible to believe that we are alone? And is there any reason someone might not want us to know? This is a list of what I believe to be some of the best mysteries andconspiracy theories of outer space.

1. Dark Energy

Dark energy is the greatest mystery in the universe today, because of the fact that it is believed to be all around us, and it explains why there seems to be anomalies within the law of gravity. By the law of gravity, large objects, like galaxy clusters, should attract each other, and their gravitational pull should pull in other objects. This however, is not the case, and the fact is most galaxy clusters are moving farther apart. This is due to the fact that the universe is expanding at an incredible rate. To answer the question of why this is, scientists developed the theory of Dark Energy, which has the opposite effect as gravity, pushing things apart. Mathematical calculations have shown that if it exists, it makes up 74% of our universe, outweighing gravity, and this is why the universe is stretching out. However we still have no conclusive proof, so it remains a mystery to us.

2. “White” Holes

One of Albert Einstein’s greatest accomplishments was the proving, though mathematics, the existence of black holes. From the advances in technology, we now have been able to find several black holes, and believe one to be at the center of our very own Milky Way galaxy. What is astonishing, however, is what Einstein also proved through his equations; white holes also exist. The exact opposite of black holes, white holes are believed to “spit out” an incredible amount of matter from seemingly nothing. Such an object should be easy to find, yet none have been. If one was found, it may help us explain other unknown mysteries, such as where the material that made the galaxies came from.

3. Dark Matter

Albert Einstein’s equation E = MC^2 is perhaps the best known equation of the century. However when applied to space, an anomaly occurs. When we use it to determine how much matter the universe should have, we realize that we have only found four percent of the matter in the universe! Where is the rest of it? Many believe it is in the form of dark matter. Where is this dark matter? It’s everywhere, wherever there is no visible matter. Scientists have yet to show any conclusive proof that dark matter does in fact exist. The fact that you can’t see it, touch it, and light and radio waves pass right through it undeterred makes it extremely hard to detect.

4. Are there Other Universes?

This is one of the more controversial arguments out there. The theory is that there are an infinite number of universes, each which is governed by its own set of laws and physics. Many scientists dismiss this argument as nothing more than speculation, as there is no evidence or mathematical law that allows for the existence of other universes. However, believers in this theory have argued that there are none that disprove it either. This is one mystery which can only be solved if we were able to travel there, however, with the expansion of the universe, it is unlikely humanity will ever find the answer.

5. Other Earths

Our star, the sun, is just one of trillions in the universe. When you look at the fact that our star has eight planets, and do the math, it tells you that it is possible for there to be eight times as many planets in the universe than stars; an astounding figure. Is it not possible that just one of those planets might have life on it? It is a fact that, since the year 2000, hundreds of extra solar planets have been discovered orbiting distant stars. Some of these have found to be earth- like, such as the planet Gliese 581d, a planet believed to have liquid water on its surface. Could it possibly contain life? Hopefully with advances in technology in the next decade, we will soon know the answer. Till then, it remains one of space’s greatest mysteries.

[UFO sightings by NASA Astronauts]

[NASA Astronauts are some of the most highly trained and specialized people in the world. Often they are expert scientists that can explain almost anything. So when they see something they can’t explain, you can bet it is going to raise eyebrows. One of the most famous incidents occurred on a live broadcast on NBC in 1963. Major Gordon Cooper was at the end of his 22 orbit solo journey around the earth when he said that out of one of his windows he could see a glowing green object fast approaching. The object then made a sharp turn and shot away. He was sure he was not seeing things, as the radar in his spacecraft picked up the object as well. Upon his return to earth interviewers wanted to ask him about the object, however NASA officials would not allow it.]



Coca-Cola is one of the most popular soft drinks in the world. In fact, over one billion cans of Coca-Cola are consumed every day. But this magical drink can be used in many more ways than just an ordinary cold refreshment.
1. Coca Cola was first invented by a pharmacist name John Pemberton as a medicine to cure headaches.
2. Coca-Cola is called “Coca-Cola” because of the original ingredients used in the medicine, Coca leaves and Kola seeds.
Wine was also added in place of sugar similar to the coke we drink today.
3. When Mentos is added to Coca-Cola, the carbon dioxide in the coke will be rapidly released, causing
the coke in the bottle to burst out. Diet coke works the best.
4. Coca-Cola can be used to help cure jellyfish stings.
5. Coca-Cola can also be used as a cleaning solution, cleaning
anything from rusty pans to dirty toilets. It can also be used to remove odor.
6. If you accidentally got gum in your hair, rinse it in coca-cola and the gum will come of very easily.
7.While someone was having a competition “who can drink the most coke in one go” they drank 8 bottles of coke and died on the spot. This was because he had too
much carbon dioxide and to less oxygen in his blood.
8. Coca cola was first green.

Must Read..!!

Must Read..!!

We have always told you about the immeasurable and unlimited vast potential of human brain. Some beleive, some do not, in this post we are going to tell you the logic behind the very working of the brain. So those who don't 
believe please take a look.

The states of matter (solid, liquid and gaseous) cannot be reduced to three (leaving the Bose-Einstein condensate), but that a fourth state of matter, the ray-formed state, consisting of energy, must be added to our list of states of matter. Furthermore Martinus says that the ray-formed state is the first and primary state, because all matter in the universe consists first and foremost of energy. This has been confirmed by Einstein in his famous equation: E=MC2. Energy equals matter times the square of C, C being the speed of light. The energy in any particle of matter is equal to its mass multiplied by the square of the velocity of light. What this equation tells us is that matter is nothing but a form of energy. The mass of a particle is actually energy. This means that physical matter is a result of a condensation of energy and that energy is what everything physical consists of at the end of the day. According to Martinus energy or ray-formed matter is the upper tier of matter, the “substance” of which everything else consists in its final analysis.

The energy field is an electrical reality, it is not non-existent and there is nothing mysterious or strange about it. It is there even though we cannot see it, but as it can be visualized through the above-mentioned technique, and as it is measurable it is futile to claim that it is not there. The human energy field consists of ray-formed matter and this type of matter has been classified according to its wavelength in what the science of physics has termed the electromagnetic spectrum. In the electromagnetic spectrum we find long and short radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, ultraviolet waves, x-rays and gamma rays.

So our body is surrounded by a field of energy, which contains information. This can be substantiated by the following observations. We now know that our thoughts are measurable. When we place electrodes on the head we can measure thought activity. When a thought is measurable it is because it is of an electrical nature. If a thought were not of an electrical nature it would not be measurable with the instruments used. This means that a thought is an electrical impulse. An electrical impulse is a string of energy or ray-formed matter containing information. As the energy field is a conglomeration of strings of energy this means that the energy field surrounding the body is a conglomeration of thoughts. It is this field of thoughts that constitutes our consciousness. The energy field is identical to our consciousness.

The human energy field is an electrical reality and like all other electrical phenomena it vibrates on a specific wavelength, defined by its particular combination of energies. It is a well-known fact that like wavelengths attract each other. The consequence of the workings of this fundamental physical law (the law of attraction and repulsion) in relation to the human energy field is double. Firstly it means that we will, while we are still in the physical body, automatically be attracted to other individuals whose energy field vibrates on a wavelength similar to our own.


Your mind acts like a magnet it will attract things that it sees and thinks. The law of attraction deals with this power of the mind. The law of attraction is about believing so strongly that something will happen that it does end up happening. This means that you can have the most amazing life if you just put your mind to it. It may take time, but with practice you can have what you want. Your mind is amazing and powerful.

Most Intelligent Peoples ever lived..!

Most Intelligent Peoples ever lived..!

There's no Academy Award for Brains, but if there were, this Top 5 List would be the red carpet. So here we are, giving you exclusive access on the world's most prodigious men and women.

Charles Darw

Charles darwin was an intelligent man with his ideas of evolution and animals on how they adapt to their surroundings such as when a bird is on a and island their later generations will change according to food supply and food to collect by changing their beak structure.He had laid down strong foundation for many of us to better understand science in species, tectonic plate movement, evolution of animals and plants, etc. We would not know what we know now without his sacrify and devotion to his research.

No. 4 - Stephen Hawking

Although Stephen Hawking is probably most renowned, and known best in pop culture for his distinctive "voice," it is his unrivaled success in science, and his unparalleled discoveries, that has earned him the most renowned scientist of now. Of all his works, perhaps his best known is A Brief History of Time—an attempt to explain "simple" cosmology to the somewhat less-informed reader. OK, Stephen.The guy knows so much about physics and gravity. Something which sciences knowledge and understanding is currently lacking futhermore.

No. 3 - Marie Curie

We definitely need to address the fact that Miss Curie is the only—yes, only!—person to win a Nobel Prize in two separate scientific fields ... making winning ONLY one Nobel Prize a TOTAL snooze-fest these days.
She's more than just a pair of Nobel Prizes, though. Marie Curie developed knowledge on radioactivity that hadn't existed yet; she isolated radium and discovered polonium ("Big Up" to her homeland!); she had degrees in math, chemistry AND physics; and frankly, she brought it all home and fried it up in a pan. It's safe to say Marie Curie was the original Wonder Woman.
So now we have a new answer to the age-old question "How many Polish people does it take to screw in a light bulb?" Answer: Just one. As long as it's Marie Curie.

No. 2 - Albert Einstein

It has long been said that Einstein was not exactly the brightest kid when he was growing up; still, we don't know many 12-year-olds that willingly delve into the world of Euclidean geometry and infinitesimal calculus. Sometimes it's fun to wonder if or how his parents bragged about him to their friends at cocktail parties. Of all his life's works, perhaps he is best remembered for his revolutionary "E=mc²" equation—but does anyone actually know what it means? Nah, you'd have to be a prodigy to figure THAT out.

No. 1 - Leonardo da Vinci

Maybe curiosity killed the cat, but for Leonardo da Vinci, curiosity didn't kill nothin'! It has often been said that Leo's insatiable curiosity was matched only by his resulting inventions. He's also known as one of the most widely diverse men in terms of talents, jumping from math and science to art and writing, botany to music. He was also an enormous influence on our No. 2 prodigy, Albert Einstein.There are very, VERY few people in the world who can reach success in one area of expertise (yes, sorry Beyoncé, Peyton Manning and Shaq, you've had your days in the sun!), but our man da Vinci achieved success of epic proportions in myriad arenas, blowing all of his list-mates completely out of the water (yes, even The Prodigy!). Of course, the final deciding factor as to whether or not da Vinci was list-worthy was having a confusing movie starring Tom Hanks constantly reference him and his works—that's when you know you've made it.

Somewhere, Mona Lisa is half-smiling.

Bermuda Triangle Mystery... !! [Complete]

Bermuda Triangle Mystery... !! [Complete]

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and surface vessels are said to have disappeared und
er mysterious circumstances.

Popular culture has attributed these disappearances to the paranormal or activity by extraterrestrial beings.More than 1000 ships and planes have disappeared in the triangle area over the past five centuries and continue to do so.

You won't find it on any official map and you won't know when you cross the line, but according to some people, the Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. Since a magazine first coined the phrase "Bermuda Triangle" in 1964, the mystery has continued to attract attention.

And all these happen when apparently there is no human errors, equipment failures or even natural disasters. Strangely, the ships and aircraft just vanish when everything seems to be okay.

Many believe that Devil is at play here and therefore call the area also as Devil's Triangle.The facts however are quite far from what is generally known or believed to be true. There are many stories and myths created through sheer imagination of writers who have used them rampantly to draw publicity to their books. In many cases, the facts got blurred.
Lost Planes & Ships in Bermuda Triangle

Here are some of the most amazing stories of planes and ships that disappeared while crossing the triangle area.

Flight 19

The disappearance of this entire squadron of 5 US Navy Avengers was considered so extraordinary that it became the impetus for investigating the Bermuda Triangle. In 1962 Allan W. Ekert wrote a sensational piece in the American Legion Magazine. In it he introduced captivating dialogue between the “flight leader” and the “tower.” Legend, truth, myth and error sprang from that article, and to this day many people have a very confused or skewed view of Flight 19, the actual flight, men, the myth and, most importantly, the facts.

U.S. Battleship Goes Missing With 306 on Board

After fueling British ships in the south Atlantic in Brazilian waters, the ship embarked from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on Feb. 16, 1918, came into Barbados in early March and then promptly disappeared completely.The 306 crew and passengers were never heard from again and, while there are many theories, according to the Naval Historical Center, it "is one of the sea's unsolved mysteries."

DC-3 Commercial Flight Vanishes

Capt. Robert Lindquist took off from San Juan with two crew members and 29 passengers heading for Miami.When the plane was 50 miles away from Miami, Lindquist reportedly radioed the Miami airport for landing instructions. The airport's reply was met with silence. The plane was never seen again.According to an investigation by the Civil Aeronautics Board, the plane had electrical difficulties and low battery power. Those findings have not stopped many from blaming supernatural forces on the disappearance.

Panamanian Ship Trades Cargo for Mystery

The Panamanian ship Sylvia L. Ossa was a cargo ship that was a regular near the mysterious waters of the Bermuda Triangle.
But in 1976, the Sylvia L. Ossa fell victim to the mysteries of the triangle when she and her 37-person crew disappeared without a trace.The Coast Guard is reportedly still looking for clues to what happened to the 590-foot ship.

Popular theories solving the mystery

So what caused the ships and aircraft to disappear mysteriously? There have been many research and explorations done to uncover the mystery. There is no single theory that can explain all the incidents. The ships and aircraft have been victims of different circumstances and situations. Things happened very quickly and unexpectedly. While many theories have come out, there are few that come close to solving the Bermuda Triangle Mystery.

Methane Gas --trapped under the sea floor can erupt, as a result can lower the water density and cause ships to sink. Even planes flying over it, can catch fire and get completely destroyed during such gas blowout. Any ships caught within the methane mega-bubble immediately lose all buoyancy and sink to the bottom of the ocean. If the bubbles are big enough and possess a high enough density they can also knock aircraft out of the sky with little or no warning. Aircraft falling victim to these methane bubbles will lose their engines-perhaps igniting the methane surrounding them-and immediately lose their lift as well, ending their flights by diving into the ocean and swiftly plummeting.

Sargasso Sea --is a strange area that has no shores and bounded only by water currents on all sides. The ships passing through it have been stranded and made motionless.

Electronic Fog--a strange thick cloud appears from nowhere and engulfs a ship or a plane. Instruments begin to malfunction, and finally the ship or the aircraft vanishes without a trace. The fog then keeps moving along with the ship or the plane. And soon, all the electronic systems and the instruments start going haywire. Nothing works correctly any longer. And finally the ship or the aircraft disappears without a trace.

So far, all such incidents of electronic fog had been described as supernatural phenomena, or as mere sensational stories from writers wanting to sell their own books on Bermuda Triangle. And there are also theories that took recourse to some supernatural events to explain the disappearances.

Is Death the End? 

Many of us fear death. We believe in death because we have been told we will die. We associate ourselves with the body, and we know that bodies die. But a new scientific theory suggests that death is not the terminal eve
nt we think.

Although individual bodies are destined to self-destruct, the “I” feeling is just a fountain of energy operating in the brain. But this energy doesn’t just go away at death.

One well-known aspect of quantum physics is that certain observations cannot be predicted absolutely. Instead, there is a range of possible observations each with a different probability. One mainstream explanation, the “many-worlds” interpretation, states that each of these possible observations corresponds to a different universe (the ‘multiverse’). A new scientific theory – called biocentrism – refines these ideas. There are an infinite number of universes, and everything that could possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death does not exist in any real sense in these scenarios. All possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them. Although individual bodies are destined to self-destruct, the alive feeling – the ‘Who am I?’- is just a 20-watt fountain of energy operating in the brain. But this energy doesn’t go away at death. One of the surest axioms of science is that energy never dies; it can neither be created nor destroyed. But does this energy transcend from one world to the other?

Consider an experiment that was recently published in the journal Science showing that scientists could retroactively change something that had happened in the past. Particles had to decide how to behave when they hit a beam splitter. Later on, the experimenter could turn a second switch on or off. It turns out that what the observer decided at that point, determined what the particle did in the past. Regardless of the choice you, the observer, make, it is you who will experience the outcomes that will result. The linkages between these various histories and universes transcend our ordinary classical ideas of space and time. Think of the 20-watts of energy as simply holo-projecting either this or that result onto a screen. Whether you turn the second beam splitter on or off, it’s still the same battery or agent responsible for the projection.

According to Biocentrism, space and time are not the hard objects we think. Wave your hand through the air – if you take everything away, what’s left? Nothing. The same thing applies for time. You can’t see anything through the bone that surrounds your brain. Everything you see and experience right now is a whirl of information occurring in your mind. Space and time are simply the tools for putting everything together.

Death does not exist in a timeless, spaceless world. In the end, even Einstein admitted, “Now Besso” (an old friend) “has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me. That means nothing. People like us…know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” Immortality doesn’t mean a perpetual existence in time without end, but rather resides outside of time altogether.

As Robert Lanza says ''This was clear with the death of my sister Christine. After viewing her body at the hospital, I went out to speak with family members. Christine’s husband – Ed – started to sob uncontrollably. For a few moments I felt like I was transcending the provincialism of time. I thought about the 20-watts of energy, and about experiments that show a single particle can pass through two holes at the same time. I could not dismiss the conclusion: Christine was both alive and dead, outside of time.Christine had had a hard life. She had finally found a man that she loved very much. My younger sister couldn’t make it to her wedding because she had a card game that had been scheduled for several weeks. My mother also couldn’t make the wedding due to an important engagement she had at the Elks Club. The wedding was one of the most important days in Christine’s life. Since no one else from our side of the family showed, Christine asked me to walk her down the aisle to give her away.Soon after the wedding, Christine and Ed were driving to the dream house they had just bought when their car hit a patch of black ice. She was thrown from the car and landed in a banking of snow.“Ed,” she said “I can’t feel my leg.”She never knew that her liver had been ripped in half and blood was rushing into her peritoneum.After the death of his son, Emerson wrote “Our life is not so much threatened as our perception. I grieve that grief can teach me nothing, nor carry me one step into real nature.”Whether it’s flipping the switch for the Science experiment, or turning the driving wheel ever so slightly this way or that way on black-ice, it’s the 20-watts of energy that will experience the result. In some cases the car will swerve off the road, but in other cases the car will continue on its way to my sister’s dream house.Christine had recently lost 100 pounds, and Ed had bought her a surprise pair of diamond earrings. It’s going to be hard to wait, but I know Christine is going to look fabulous in them the next time I see her.''

Power of Meditation..!

Healing Power of Meditation..!

Meditation is universal. It transcends all divides like religion, country and culture. It is a gift given to mankind to access the infinite sprit not limited by any identity. It is the only tool that can aid 
a person to return to innocence.Modern life style has high exposure to anger, hate, fear and other negative emotions. These human emotions have a high tendency to duplicate and spread. For example, when a person gets cheated, he starts to suspect everything around him. This also has an impact on people around him. These emotions form strong impressions and opinions on an individual and social level. The result of which is an insecure individual and an unstable society.

Meditation helps an individual overcome these emotions to facilitate a calm peaceful mind and a healthy and stress free body.Upon daily practice an individual will blossom into an unshakable personality. With increase in the number of people who are calm, peaceful and healthy will facilitate a social transformation, enabling a society that is trusting, happy and content.“In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam – it is very powerful and healing can happen.” - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Only a healthy bud can blossom. In the same way, only a healthy being can succeed.

Meditation increases prana (life energy)

Prana (the vital life energy) is the very basis of health and well being, for both body and mind. You can gain prana through meditation. When your body is alive with more prana, you feel alert, energetic, and full of good humor. A lack of prana results in lethargy, dullness and poor enthusiasm.
Dealing with illness - through meditation

Heal the mind – through meditation

Meditation prevents stresses from entering the body system and also releases accumulated stress.Health,happiness and a positive state of Being well. The practice of meditation brings a coolness to the brain, it’s like servicing the whole body-mind complex

Clear emotional pollution - with meditation

A time may come in the future, when people will be fined for being depressed, because they are creating emotional pollution! The words that you hear from people around you, affect your state of mind. They either give you peace and joy, or create disturbance (such as jealously, anger, frustration or sadness). You’re affected because the mind is not in its Self; it is not centered. Meditation is the key to control 'emotional pollution'.
Blossom with meditation

Meditation can bring about a spiritual transformation. As you learn more about life, the mystery of the whole Creation unfolds. Then the questions that arise in the mind are - What is the meaning of Life? What is its purpose? What is this world, what is love, what is knowledge...?Once these questions arise in you, know that you are very fortunate. These questions need to be understood; you cannot find the answers in books. You have to live through them and witness the transformation. That is perfect health; you are transformed from within. And the bud becomes a totally blossomed flower.

Meditation purifies the environment. Meditation and Sudarshan Kriya have transformed aggression and violence in people - to compassion, love and care. For example, notice how you feel when you enter a room where someone is really angry ? It leaves you feeling the same!Similarly, when there is a harmonious or a happy activity, you feel good. You may wonder why. Feelings are not isolated in one's body - they are all around. It is in the whole environment, because the mind is subtler than the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, ether). If there is a fire somewhere, the heat is not just in the fire, it is also radiating throughout the place.

Note: If you are unhappy or depressed, you are not the only one who is feeling it; you are spreading it to the whole environment.
(As per the law of attraction)

In the current global situation of conflicts and disease, it's important to meditates a little every day. Through meditation, you can nullify the negative vibrations in the environment, thereby creating a more harmonious environment.
The Healing Breath and Meditation

This unique breathing practice is a potent energizer:

Every cell becomes fully oxygenated and flooded with new life
It flushes out negative emotions from the body
It releases tensions, frustrations and anger
It clears anxiety, depression and lethargy
It gives relief to both the mind and body

After the practice, one is left calm and centered with a clearer mind. A sense of joy in the moment prevails, and you're able to smile from your heart.'Do the Healing Breath and meditate. These practices completely transform you, and kindle the love deep inside.'

Subconscious Mind

Your Subconscious Mind..!

You may not realize it, but the mind is very powerful. It is unlimited in potential. You can create anything you desire just by letting the mind do what it was created by God to do. Once you begin to 
understand the power of the mind, and learn the laws of the universe, you can reprogram your subconscious so you can obtain anything you want in life and live life to the fullest.

If you think about one thing for a minute it is this: you do not need to struggle in life to make something of yourself. All you need to do is apply the principles set out in this ebook and the new programming you will receive will turn your life around.

Life does have a purpose for you and will give you abundance if you program your mind in that direction. Once you learn and apply the principles and techniques required to alter your programming, enhance your mind’s functions, and improve the way your mind can develop, you can have anything you wish or desire. It just takes a single step and understanding of the mechanism to appreciate what it does.

The mind has a great deal of power as was stated above. It has the ability to heal all diseases. But yet, in the average person, only 10% of the mind is used, which results in 90% not being utilized. Imagine what we could do if we used the full capacity our mind can muster.

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Every person on this planet has the same capacity in their brain but not everyone uses it. If we were to take a handful of people together and tap into their entire brain function, we could brighten a city for at least a week. This is how powerful the mind is. It is just the choices we make and the beliefs we were programmed with that separate us from successful individuals.

It is really the programming that we received from birth to the present that shapes who we are and what we do. We have the capability to do marvelous things, but it is our belief system and our faith that allows us to take part in some events in our lives or not.

Our belief system or programming is what sets us apart from other people. Everyone on this planet has a belief system in place that guides their thinking, reasoning, and functions. Whether these people take part in sports, have a trade, or are lifetime students, the origin is the same. They got to where they are because they knew the power of the human mind and they utilized it to its fullest.

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You have the ability to have and do whatever you want if you satisfy all the conditions that will allow you to use your powerful mind to the greatest degree. You first have to be aware of what you want. The next step is to desire what you want. The next step involves your pre-processed programming – your beliefs. If your beliefs will allow the situation to occur, it will. But if your beliefs will not allow it to occur, you won’t do it.

This is why the idea of subconscious programming is so important. It is the mechanism by which your old thought processes can be changed so you will have new beliefs. As a matter of fact, there have been studies done that showed people accomplishing great feats with the power of their mind. Acknowledging this power and using it beneficially is what will help you take the first step toward realizing your goal of obtaining whatever it is you want. You can prosper with no problem once you understand the power of your mind, and use it for the purpose it was created for: to give you everything and anything you want in life.

But before you can do anything you must be open to the world of your mind, and see the immense power your mind has. In order to do this we first tap into our subconscious. Many of these terms will be covered later in chapter two, but it would be good to summarize them here so as to give you a head start as it were.
The Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind acts as the translator to the conscious mind. It is given commands by the conscious mind and fulfills those commands with ease. The subconscious mind is also referred to as the go-between between the conscious and superconscious mind.

In order to program your mind to do what you want it to do, you first have to understand the subconscious mind and how it works, or you won’t know how to program the mind. You must learn how to control the subconscious mind so you can learn how to reprogram it. Only then will you have the ability to achieve personal development and reach the empowerment that only your mind can give you. Once you reach this plateau, you will be able to command anyone and get anything you want. Only then will you have fulfilled your dreams of living your life to the fullest. And what is so special about the procedure is that it really does not take long to perform the exercises you need to gain control and reprogram the subconscious mind.

Developing your understanding of the power of the mind starts with knowing two laws or principles. These two laws are The Law of Vibration and The Law of Attraction. If you are unfamiliar with these laws they will be covered briefly below. Just know before these two laws are discussed, that when you understand these two laws and how they apply to the subconscious mind, you will begin to see how powerful the mind really is.
The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration seems easy to understand but can be complicated to those who do not know how it works. The one principle you will take away from this discussion is that The Law of Vibration will always be here among us and always works, whether we choose to believe it or not.

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, no matter what it may be, is energy. Energy makes up the entire universe. You place a particle under a very powerful microscope and you will see molecules. These molecules are in a constant state of movement. If we looked inside a molecule we would see an atom. And inside this atom you will find a proton in the center with an electron circling around. This is energy vibrating. Everything vibrates at different rates or speeds. When the vibration is within our ability or frequency range, we can hear or see the vibrating source of energy.

Because we were created by God or by some infinite spirit or consciousness (as some like to call it), this higher power vibrates as well. And since we are a part of this creation or consciousness, we are also energy in the form of a body. We vibrate like anything else. Every part of us is a vibration including our thoughts and sounds. Light is also vibrating. Since we know our bodies vibrate and our thoughts also vibrate, then if we become aligned with the universe in vibration, we will be able to attract whatever the vibrations point to. But our thoughts, which go back to our conscious and subconscious, must vibrate in tune to the universe for us to achieve what we wish. This is why we must monitor our thoughts within our conscious and subconscious so as to make sure all input is in vibration or harmony with the universe.

The Law of Attraction

Just as we have the Law of Vibration, we also have The Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that states that there is a cause and effect to everything we think and do. If we think about a particular thing, we end up getting it. Just as it is important to learn about The Law of Vibration, you must also learn about The Law of Attraction. If you want to learn how to attract anything you desire you need to set up an attraction for it. To do this, you must make sure your thoughts within your subconscious mind are geared toward what you are trying to attract. If they aren't, you won’t get it, instead you will get what you don’t want, because your subconscious mind thought it.

The Law of Attraction is something that exists apart from you. It exists and therefore it is. The Law of Attraction is a universal law that never goes away. You can control it to some degree by what you vibrate to; by what your thoughts are geared to. The end result is simple, if you reprogram your subconscious mind to vibrate with the universe, you can get anything you want just by thinking it.